Why Play
You can play solo, one-on-one with a friend or spouse, or in a small group. It's not always possible to get a big group together and not everyone wants that environment.
You have more control over the content and narrative of the game, allowing you to explore settings and characters that you might not get the change to with a larger group.
And finally, scheduling games with a group can be hard and sometimes you just want to roll some dice.

Who am I?
I'm David.
I'm an artist, writer, game designer and full time anxious boy (and sometimes a graphic designer, producer and art director too). I got my start making content in the infancy of the DMs Guild, where I wrote 5e content like Gimble's Guide to the Feywild and contributed to the Uncaged Anthology (I even had the opportunity to work as a producer on Uncaged: Goddesses, which won a couple Ennies).
If you are interested in seeing more of my art, you can find my portfolio here: